Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dinner time!

The boyfriend now has a new name so appointed by my little sisters, he's the "Monkey Pizza Boy"! When I asked how they came up with such a colorful name the explanation was " because he's strong like a monkey and Italians eat pizza!"

What is the catholic school system teaching these girls?! He laughed but I don't know if its juuuust right.

Anyways, last night he/pizza/boyfriend came over and I made him dinner! His first course revolved around a chunk of flesh and for soooommme reason he wasn't full! I wonder why...

*Biology Lesson: You have stretch receptors all around your stomach that once stimulated send a message to your brain that you are full and should stop eating. You can count calories all you want but it means nothing if you're not filling up on the right kind of calories.... class dismissed! *

So for dinner we had

Yam Fries

1 Large Yam
Oil and salt to coat

Preheat oven to 450
Wash and Cut fries
Mix in a bowl or bag (think shake n' bake) with a little oil and salt
spread evenly over baking pan 
bake for 15 minutes on each side or until desired crispiness

Vegetable Samosas, Grandma's recipe I shall acquire. 
Brown rice boiled in half water half vegetable stock.
The brown blob on the left side of the blue plate was pickled chillies...Justin's tongue died last night ;)

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