Monday, July 4, 2011

Some Introductions are in order!

Hello! I'm new to this online community so there's a good chance you'll get to see me embarrass myself due to lack of blogger savvy. Read on to laugh at the newbie!

On a recent chaperoning excursion to Disneyland (!!!) I got to room with the Lovely Lady Yola! I found her passion for the Vegan lifestyle enticing and wanted to know what she was on. Turns out she had a stash of Vegan Gummies, Vegan marshmallows and most inspiring Vegan cupcakes complete with Icing and Vegan brownies.This wasn't at all the cardboard food I'd imagined a Vegan would eat! My sweet tooth was satisfied and I found myself wanting to know more. Eventually I found my FB news feed flooded with praise to a documentary called Forks Over Knives.

That was my rendition of angels singing from on high.... not a crazy person....ANYWAYS

(Just watch the preview on the website to get a sample of the mind boggling awesomeness it encloses!)
This documentary approached the whole-foods plant based diet from a scientific perspective and explained its findings in layman's terms. Some critics said the film was to biased.... If I was putting thousands of my dollars into supporting my cause why would I, the little guy, give the bigger guy an extra leg up?! Silly

Now the way I see it there's 2 main reasons people change diets to such "extremes" as vegetarian or vegan. First there are the health benefits that FOK covered splendidly ( I will touch on these points throughout the blog).  Then there are the moral reasons that include being Eco-friendly and upholding animal rights. Personally I am no David Suzuki but I do love the outdoors and recycle every chance I can! On this topic my views are not so black and white and could change as I divulge further into this journey. Animal cruelty is wrong, and when large numbers of animals are being processes as in slaughter houses across North America, its next to impossible to claim that not a single animal will be treated poorly. I'm not sure if I am 100% against the consumption of meat or not. If, for example, somewhere in the world there was a happy cow that had lived out its natural life and was then recyclable as a food source, does that go against my moral compass? Such a scenario is probably to improbable and unprofitable to farmers for me to have to worry about right not. However this is just one situation that plays in the back of my mind when I ask myself, where do I draw the line? Because I find myself at a cross roads I don't think its necessary at the moment to identify with any one "ism" and you may watch me slip in between "isms" or even fully succumb to my previous carnivorous ways. However I am trying to avoid as much animal product as possible.

Currently I'm living at home with my family where there is 7 mouths and 1 furry friend to feed. There's also a boyfriend in this picture so including myself there will be 10 judgements given with each recipe!

And with no further introductions I give you, Happy Bellies Happy Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Dude!!! I am so excited to see this!! I'm also excited to see you shall be blogging about your journey...I look forward to tagging along for the ride :) FOK is definitely a good motivator to kick start a Plant Strong way of life.
