Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Summer Post

This has been a crazy hectic summer for me!
I got a summer job doing 911, gah shift work! We fixed up a car, to share with Sissy #1, her name is Chaaaarllliiieeee! Anyone who's seen All Dog's Go To Heaven will know how to say her name :) The car..... not my sister Sissy #1...

Justin was very compassionate to the night shift zombie Meaghan and we rewarded our hard-working-asses with probably the best camping trip ( food wise) ever!
This Summers trip was 1 week long at Bridge Lake Provincial Park in the Kootenays

On the provincial web site it says that there is a pump available that will deliver drinking water when pumped. THAT IS FALSE! A LIE! A SHAM! I was very pissed off by the fact that we were left to perish. Add the fact that the neighbouring campground, COTTONWOOD BASTARDS [Oops, I meant "Bay"] wouldn't share some of their water because "there wasn't enough water for both campgrounds" all led to a not-so-happy-camper. Cottonwood had a grand total of 15/ 50 sites occupied and the Provincial Park was filled with an average of 6 people..... Yes yes I can see the campgrounds are sooo full... ya stingy greasy wentch!
We were just lucky we came prepared with a flat of bottled water, Oh well, its all water under the bridge... or lack there of! Hmph!

*Please resume reading the perfectly coherent blog about food that you checked in for*

For some reason camping for long durations as a vegetarian still seemed like a daunting task.... silly Meaghan!

Here is my list of Staple Camping items/ dry goods:
PEANUT BUTTER!!!!! ( I type that with such enthusiasm because oh how I love it so!)
Seeds + Nuts + Dried chunks of fruit = Trail Mix
Squirlly bread, think polar opposite of White Wonder Bread
Granola bars
Sweet potatoes

So what did we feast upon to make this trip hit the #1 position?! I'm glad you asked...
Pizza's! Pasta's! Fresh Lake Trout! Curry with Naan! The Best Goddamn Sweat Potato Mush Ever! Marshmallow Madness! Hamburgers & Hot Dogs (of the veggy kind)! Hash browns! Hell of a lot of good eatin'!

Oh! Our BBQ also decided this was the appropriate time to call it quits RIP. Thankfully, BC Provincial Park fire pits come with a cooking grill attached, so most of our food was cooked over an open fire :)

Pita Bread
Pizza Sauce
Desired toppings (I used broccoli, peppers, onions, shredded cheese blend)
Make an Aluminum foil plate to rest to pizza on over the grate.
Chop all toppings
CHOOSE to cheese or not to cheese!
Fire away to your hearts cooked desire


Veggie Curry w/ Naan

*Store Bought bottle of Butter Chicken Sauce*

Cook Potatoes in Fire ( Wrap in lots of Tinfoil, stick in middle of fire, cover in embers. takes about 45 min)
Chop Vegetables
Skin ( they will be burnt) and cube potatoes
Heat Sauce, add all Vegetables
Cook till vegetables are tender.
Heat Naan on grill over fire
This would have been a good served over boiled Quinoa but there was so much food we didn't bother cooking it!

*keep the potato cubes a good chunky size otherwise they will cook faster in the sauce and become soft*

Best Goddamn Sweat Potato Mush Ever!

I chopped the potatoes small enough to be fries to help them cook faster... pain in the ass!
Tin Foil Boat

2 Small Sweet Potatoes
1/2 a stick of Butter [ i didn't know! :'(  ]

Through it all into the tinfoil boat and close it up to help cook faster (and protect from flying ash!)
Check periodically, and mix

Monday Night Marshmallow Madness!!

*WARNING* the following may result in a sticky hot mess....That's what she said!

Smores: Roasted Marshmallow with a piece of chocolate between 2 graham crackers
OreoMellows: Roasted Marshmallows between a split open Oreo, cream filling included
MarshPastryMellows: Marshmallow wrapped in pastry dough, then roasted

Breakfasts for me were largely composed of  instant oatmeal, granola with soy milk, fruits, juices and toast. We froze what foods we could but inevitably had to keep buying more ice, it was hot! Fruits were bought so some could be eaten right away and others would ripen throughout the week. Vegetables did well kept in the cooler and any questionable bits got tossed in the fire!

 Shout-Out to Momma J-Man for a delicious bean salad, which was a meal in itself!!! Overall this trip was a step up in the healthy eating department and another Vegetarian success story :) Delicious food was made, drinks were flowing, love was in the air and all around good times :)

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